Billed as "The Greatest Show on Earth," this circus-themed panto features a Goldilocks who is the daughter of circus owner, Betty Barnum, and a Baby Bear who wants to break into show business. Out to thwart them is the dastardly Countess Von Vinklebottom played by Jessica Martin. All the usual panto gags and groaners are here, but it is done with terrific style and first-rate performances. Matt Baker from BBC One starring as Joey, The Clown sings and dances his heart out while also surprising the audience with a "high wire" performance. Indeed, it is the circus theme that makes this panto stand out from so many others, and the magic of Phil Hitchcock is a highlight of the show. Along with all the children in the audience, we were suitably enraptured by his dancing fireball and some disappearing doves. Equally captivating is the juggling act of Gordon Marquez, although unfortunately dark lighting obscures some of his feats of dexterity. Nigel Ellacott as Dame Betty Barnum hits all the classic notes, and Phil Walker does a splendid turn as Ringo The Ringmaster. To the title role of Goldilocks Tamara Morgan brings a suitably winsome presence and a lovely singing voice. It all makes for an evening, or an afternoon, of silly circus fun wrapped up in a seasonal entertainment that will charm the whole family!
Rated: ★★★★
Reviewed by J.C.
Photo by Craig Sugden.
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