Prix Pictet 2019: Hope, Victoria & Albert Museum - FREE - ★★★★★ - Until December 8, 2019

The theme for this year's Prix Pictet is "Hope" and from over 600 nominated photographers the judges narrowed their short list to twelve whose works are on display in this not-to-be-missed exhibition. The artists presented a wide variety of nationalities but they are united by the high quality of their work. In the end, the judges selected Joana Choumali from Côte d'Ivoire as the winner of the ten thousand Swiss franc prize. Choumali's series, Ça va aller ('It will be ok'), 2019 is a beautifully innovative and striking series of embroidered photos. While we totally agree with the judges' choice it seems almost unfair to have to single out one winner from such an outstanding group of submissions. Ireland's Ivor Prickett gives us photos from Iraq and Syria that are incredibly moving and Namibia's Margaret Courtney-Clarke's stunning compositions are a wonderful evocation of the land and people. Rena Effendi from Azerbaijan takes us into a harsh but harmonious world that is all but lost. Indeed, the breadth and ingenuity of all the work is quite breathtaking and brilliantly thought provoking. The V&A prides itself on its commitment to photography being the first institution to set up a photography exhibition. Their association with the Prix Pictet does them proud. Congratulations to all the nominees whose work will now go on a worldwide tour. Do not miss "Hope," an exhibition we all need to share!
Reviewed by J.C.
Image: Untitled, 2019 from series: Ça va aller ('It will be ok'), 2019. © Joana Choumali.
Our Score: ☆☆☆☆☆
Until December 8, 2019
Sat - Thu: 10 am - 5:45 pm
Fri: 10 am - 10 pm
Victoria & Albert Museum
Nearest tube: South Kensington
Our Score: ☆☆☆☆☆
Until December 8, 2019
Sat - Thu: 10 am - 5:45 pm
Fri: 10 am - 10 pm
Victoria & Albert Museum
Nearest tube: South Kensington