Weather (n.): short-term atmospheric conditions. Climate (n.): an underlying, long-term state or situation. With some very clever and humorous dialogue and with echos of old bromance films like "The Odd Couple," Eugene O'Hare's brilliant script subtly draws us into the broken lives of his characters. But theirs is a much darker reality than we at first anticipate and this is a play that provokes us into thinking about a very disturbing social issue. Alec Newman is totally convincing as the fastidious O'Rourke who is desperately striving to regain some control of his life and circumstances, while Mark Hadfield does a beautiful job as Beezer, the comic drunk who is the weatherman and survives by reading which way the wind blows. This is a world dominated by the chilling combination of menace and moral sophistry that is represented by Dollar, terrifyingly embodied by David Schaal. The work of Cyril Nri as Turkey and Niamh James as Mara complete a perfect casting. "The Weatherman" addresses the horror of human trafficking, but it never becomes a sermon. It is an experience which resonates long after one leaves the theatre and causes us to question whether we are creatures who are merely dealing with the weather while ignoring an underlying climate of moral decay. Not an easy evening, but this is challenging, first-rate theatre!
Reviewed by J.C.
Our Score: ☆☆☆☆☆
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Until September 14, 2019
Mon - Sat: 7:30 pm, Thu & Sat: 3 pm
Park Theatre
Nearest tube: Finsbury Park Station (Station Place Exit)