Takis, Tate Modern - ★★★★ - Until October 27, 2019
Takis' constructions are unique and his work is daring and dramatic. His use of magnetism, light and sound provides experiences that both move and mesmerise. The artist stands out from his contemporaries both in the media he uses to explore the connection of space and time and in his ability to connect the mundane and the sublime. While his creations have a kind of spirituality and timelessness, they are also fascinatingly grounded in the daily world. He comments on politics, war, industrialisation, and, of course, the "space race," but he transfers these events into a context that is cosmic. He seeks to inspire wonder, capturing "the music of the spheres" while transforming found objects into representations of the ethereal. This is a beautifully curated retrospective of Takis' singular contribution to modern art. Tate Modern deserves the accolades that will be accorded this wonderful exhibition.
Reviewed by J.C.
Our Score: ☆☆☆☆
Until October 27, 2019
Sun - Thu: 10 am - 6 pm
Fri & Sat: 10 am - 8 pm
Tate Modern
Nearest tube: Waterloo
Sun - Thu: 10 am - 6 pm
Fri & Sat: 10 am - 8 pm
Tate Modern
Nearest tube: Waterloo