For us the undoubted star of Dick Whittington and His Cat at Watford Palace Theatre is designer, Cleo Pettitt. She gives us a wonderful array of magnificently colourful locations climaxing in a fabulous tropical island of Xanadu. That is not to denigrate the rest of the show which is everything a good panto should be! From the moment Natasha Lewis as the evil rat, Verminia Yobb, leaps onto the stage in a puff of green smoke, we know that we are in safe hands. Reece Evans gives us a handsome and perky young Dick accompanied, for some reason, not by a cat but by Louise Cielecki as a pink striped tiger. OK, it is panto and doesn't have to make sense. Sherrie Trifle, the Dame, is played to the hilt by Terence Frisch. When given scenes alone on stage, his interaction with the audience is quite hilarious and he excels in the slapstick moments. Plus, all of this is accomplished in an increasingly outrageous array of frocks. Indeed, this is just how to play the Dame. We also very much enjoyed Gracie Lai in the dual roles of Captain Cloudburst and Garbage. The moment when both characters fought each other was great fun. The cast is completed by Rhiannon Bacchus who is a charming Alice Fitzwarren and Thomas Fabian Parrish who creates a sparkling Bellvedere. Writer Andrew Pollard and director James Williams show that great panto doesn't need big names – it simply needs talent, dedication and masses of charm. This Dick Whittington and his tiger have these attributes and much more. It's a totally delightful performance!
Rated: ★★★★
Reviewed by D.S.J.
Photo by The Other Richard.
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