Based on Giovanni Paisiello's 18th Century comic opera The Imaginary Astrologer , James Farwell's The Fabulist is set in Mussolini's Italy of 1929. The Church now has authority over culture and education, and magicians, or fabulists, are seen as perpetrating pernicious falsehoods. This attitude is matched by the Church's almost equally suspicious view of science, and both are threatened by the empowered clerics. Farwell's tale tells the story of a magician, Julian/Agrofontido, and his companion, Pupuppini, who decide to hide from the powers that be on a movie set where two sisters, the director, Cassandra, and scriptwriter, Clarice, ply their trade. These two have differing views on the role of film, whether it is primarily art or entertainment, and this debate parallels the concern of their father, the scientist Count Petronius who questions the role of magic as opposed to science. On top of these rather knotty thematic issues there is also a satiric commentary on