Three Sisters, Vaudeville Theatre - ★★★★ - Until June 29, 2019
This is the gold standard for the production of Chekhov. Lev Dodin completely captures the playwright's spirit in this rich and complex rendering. Life is eventful but is it meaningful? This is the question haunting the characters from the play's opening on Irina's name day, the anniversary of the death of the sisters' father, until the day the army leaves the town. Time passes, but does it progress? The moving performances of Irina Tychinina, Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Ekaterina Tarasova were stunning, but the whole ensemble was perfectly cast. The fact that the play is in Russian might be intimidating, but it shouldn't be. We accept the use of subtitles in the cinema and the opera, and they can also work in the theatre. This is an opportunity to hear the sonorous tones of Chekhov's Russian resonate the solemn existential questions of his work. It is a chance to hear Chekhov in the language he intended to be heard in.
Reviewed by J.C.
Our Score: ☆☆☆☆
Tue - Sat: 7:15 pm, Sun: 2:15 pm
Vaudeville Theatre
Nearest tube: Charing Cross
Tue - Sat: 7:15 pm, Sun: 2:15 pm
Vaudeville Theatre
Nearest tube: Charing Cross